100% grass based dairy
Hazy fall morning
Hey! where did our grass go.
Farm view from the garden pasture
Value added organic farming at its best
There is not a day of my life that goes past without me being thankful and humbled by the opportunity of being an organic farmer, yet alone a value added organic farmer. "What is value added "you might ask.
Value added farming is the art of taking a product that is produced on the farm and adding value to that product, then that product is sold direct to either retail outlets, farmers markets, on site, or on line. This I believe is a very viable and sustainable solution for the success of small farms.
At Springbrook organic dairy we have been doing just that, selling direct in our community various products since 1990, and for the past 8 years our most prized accomplishment has been our Grade A Dairy plant. This plant allows us to legally add dairy products to our list of offering. We have come a long ways in those 8 years and the longer we do this, the possibilities seem endless. I can't think of a more exciting time for us as we embark on coming up with even more ways of adding value to the milk that our own small herd of jersey cows produce. I can see it now, cheese caves for ageing cheese, frozen yogurt, egg nog, endless possibilities.
We hope you enjoy our site full of information not only about us and our products,but farming topics in general. Visit often for continued updates.